Toast Menu Update Request

For manager use only


Submit Via Jotform Request

  1. All Toast update requests pertaining to hours, menus, pricing, and discounts must come in writing via Jotform Request from the General Manager to the Marketing Manager.

    1. Please allow 1-2 business days for changes to go into effect.

    2. For larger-scale changes (full menu update, all new pricing, etc.) use the Full Menu Request Form Template to submit all at once.

  2. All menu and pricing requests require that the General Manager must first find and submit theoretical costs in the Jotform or Template request.

  3. Marketing will implement needed buttons and changes within Toast.

  4. Executive Coordinator will enter the theoretical cost into CTUIT.


For larger-scale changes (full menu update, all new pricing, etc.) use the Full Menu Request Form Template to submit changes all at once